Congratulations to the cruciverbalist** of Gardening Australia magazine, possibly the only person within the ABC who hasn’t succumbed holus-bolus to trans-extremism. The magazine’s February edition (out now) contains the following crossword clue:

High Sierra:Users:eileenhaley:Desktop:radFem:ABC:GardeningAustralia:CrosswordClue.png

We owe the discovery of this relict to one Dr Rhea Liang, who screenshot the evidence and tweeted a denunciation:

High Sierra:Users:eileenhaley:Desktop:radFem:ABC:GardeningAustralia:RheaLiang.png

This has attracted international attention, and Daily Mail Australia has sought the ABC’s response. As at today’s date, 21 January, we’re waiting to see what will happen to this last daring defender of the bloody obvious: immediate sacking? Re-education by the ABC’s own zealous band of thought police? Groveling apology? Withdrawal of the magazine from all newsagents? 

A Solution Emerges

A helpful member of the public has already – tongue in cheek – proposed a correction:

High Sierra:Users:eileenhaley:Desktop:radFem:ABC:GardeningAustralia:FixedItCrop.png

It breaks one of the principles of crosswords, in that the answer word is in the clue; but from the ABC’s point of view that may well be preferable to risking their gold-star status with trans-extremist lobby group ACON/AWEI

Or maybe – just maybe – Aunty will realise just how insulting to women all this trans-extremist gobbledegook is, and she’ll toss it out onto the rubbish heap of patriarchal preposterousness, where it belongs. 

**A cruciverbalist is one who creates crosswords